I finished up the GivEawaY shirt and will be mailing it out soon (sent you an email Lindsay)...thought I would give a sneaky peek...

Hope you enjoy it! I 'loVed' it so much I figured I'd make another...

I have a friend who had a baby nearly 3 months ago and I'm just now getting around to gifting her. I suck. Better late than never, right? I was excited about the little heart cardi I found at Target to go with it...isn't it sweet? Ahhh, I need a girL.

Coming up...I've been working on some new (to me anyway, they're everywhere!) shabby, twisty flowers...very excited to finish a few things up with those and show you soon. Here's another peek...

Y.E.S! You need the girl. You brought it up, not me!
I made it out to the post office a day or so ago and what did I find? A wonderful package that was more for me than my little babe. I was crazy excited and can't wait to send you pics of each one. (Hope you don't get tired of seeing the little guy too soon.) Thanks SO much!
cute as always! I'm anxious to see what you're up to with the twsty flower thingy-ma-jigs. And really, does Megan actually think that we could possibly see too much of her cute kids, come on!
One more thing, your boys are getting old enough to need a sister.
Oh my gosh! LOVE the new flowers!!! Could you BE any more talented?!?!
Just had to tell you. I am in-love with your blog. So much so that I blogged about your blog. Well, I mentioned it...with a link. I hope it brings you some new readers. You are AMAZINGLY talented!
Stopping by from "Ain't She Crazy"; she had a link to you in her post today!
I love your crafts-- actually, they're more than crafts, crafts are what I do. You make wearable ART! Gorgeous. Do you have an Etsy shop?
Confessions From A Working Mom
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