I'm posting another activity, hope you all don't mind. Turns out the blog is a good place to "store" my ideas, incase they need to be remembered at a later date. Anyway, speaking of remembering things...for this activity we made journals and journal jars. The goal: getting these girls (ages 10 & 11) excited about keeping their journals, or as we discussed, thier autobiographies. Something for them to look back at with thier spouses, children and grandchildren. Something about them, by them. I wish I had kept a better journal when I was little. But that I did not. It's so fun to go back and read the few entries my hubs wrote in his journal (his parents made him, good on them!) when he was about the same age as these girls...a good LaUGh!
Most pages say something to the effect...
"I had a basketball game today. We won. I was the best player."
It's nice to know that he was just as staight to the point then as he is now :)
Okay on with the journals...
First we took a couple of notebooks.

And covered them with scrapbook paper.

Then we made the jars.

Typed up some questions, printed them up and cut them into strips...

Then we folded those up and stuffed them in our jars.

Added a little fabric, and there you have it...they turned out something like this...

If you're interested in the link for the questions let me know, I'll look it up again and post it.
EdiTed to aDd: Okay, so I couldn't find where I found the questions...Of cOuRse! But I did have them saved in Word, so I made a post just for the questions HeRe. Click it.
great idea! i love your blog you are so creative and yes I'm interested in the questions, I just got out of Activities days, but my friend is in it so I can pass it along! Thanks!
I am just a little obsessed with your blog. I have been reading every single post this morning. You are probably the most talented person I have ever seen on a blog. I LOVE it! We need to be blog buddies. Totally. You rock. I can't believe you don't get more comments. It blows my mind how creative you are. I am totally doing a feature on my blog about you. I will let you know when I do. :)
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