Hi. Hello...hello...hello...anyone out there...there...there? (crickets...) It's been a bit...okay, a long bit of time since my last post. Why is it when you say outloud that you're going to take little break,
LiFe decides to throw it at ya.
LiFe decides to throw it at ya.
Ahh, LiFe.
We've had a good dose of it happening here the last couple. So the blog, the email, etc. has gone unnoticed, ignored, overlooked or unlooked or whatever...just hasn't been a priority. But here I am, checking in, just saying hello. And also to say I have managed to work on the pLaY rOom a bit and might even have a little peeky...

Still have a few things to finish up before I unveil the entire room. But I can say, the blue paint is a very nice change!

Now I'm itchin' to get going on the rest of the house...just not so sure how the hubs feels about that quite yet. See ya again soon (so to speak) with more.
WE've missed you! HOpe you come back soon! Love the playroom!
I hadn't been on your blog for a while and I wanted to order some shirts..sad :( I need to buy something from you! lol :) everything you touch turns to trendy, awesome, freakin adorable GOLD! I can't even tell you how much I love your toy room, I am actually a little envious. ITS SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!
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