Okay it's been a while, but I'm back. And I'm in a mess...
I've made a whole mess of these
meSsY fLoWers ...
(scroll over flowers to get a full view)
I'm thinking these would be fab to dress up a plain tank or tee...

Also fun to add to headbands...

I'm selling these now for $8.00. I can do them as pins, hair clips or headbands. Or if you would like I can do two of the above (pin/clip, clip/headband, or a headband/pin) for $10.00.
If you are interested please email me at befickle@gmail.com. Please specify what 2 colors and/or fabrics you want. I can mix and match any of the fabrics, the possiblities are endless...so you can be fickle too!!
Very cute, let me check school clothes and surely we will need some!
I cannot get over how much I am in love with these! love, LoVe, LOVE them!!! I have been sorting through my kids clothes today. Ya know- season changing- handing down, throwing out- the whole routine. ANYWAY- I DEFINITELY want more colors, so as soon as I have all my outfits figured- I will let you know! Also- I am wondering if you can do some seasonal shirts for my kids. One for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and maybe just fall and Winter too.... Thoughts?!?!? Probably cannot afford them all at once, but let me know what you think on the upcoming holidays etc... You are AWESOME!!!
Lindas tus flores, gracias por compartir tomare las ideas,saludos
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