Wednesday, March 16, 2011

CraZy haIR DaY!

As part of spirit week this week at our elementary they had cRazY hAir day today.  Always a good day to express some creativity.  This was actually the second crazy hair day they've held at the school this year and last time I kind of forgot about it until last minute and didn't get as CraZy as I would have liked.  So this time my kindergartner was sure to remind me (over and over) that we needed to plan ahead this time, he was a bit disappointed in my lack of effort, I think.  Apparently people get into this.
So when I coincidentally I ran into this post a few days ago over at Bee in our Bonnet I got SO excited.  COULD NOT believe all the crazy hair!  So awesome, you MUST check it out!  Especially the girl hair!!
The InSecT inFeSted GraSs hair was the inspiration for us. 
Ours wasn't quite as fancy, but fun nonetheless.

I just used a little hot glue to stick the lizards to a hair clip, then clipped them right in there.  He tells me they stayed put until he had to take them out for gym.

He thought it was awesome to have "lizards eating his blue hair all day".  Hopefully I was able to redeem myself this go-round.

Fun and easy way to get CrAzy for the kids!


  1. I LOVE it! How awesome! Definitely something my boys would love as well!!!

  2. so cute the idea !!!
    Cute lil guy you have there!!!

  3. You are bRaVe. I did take a peak at the other crazy doos and was very impressed. Emma always wants colored hair but I don't dare for fear of it taking a long time to come out. Instead I take her in every now and then for colored extentions.

  4. So totally adorable!!!!

  5. I love the lizzards! You totally redeemed yourself! It looks like he really enjoyed it!

  6. One Lucky Little boy! Totally Fun!

  7. That is some awesome crazy hair! I love the lizards.
