Thursday, November 18, 2010

InDiAn cORn favOrs and MaYfLoweR MuffiNs

So as I've mentioned, my 3 year old is having a Thanksgiving Feast at preschool next week and as part of that feast they are going to have some games and crafts for the kids to do.  A friend of mine and I were put in charge of doing a game...have you ever tried to come up with a game for Thanksgiving?  It's tricky.  Thankfully, she's a teacher and had lots of stuff to work with.  We came up with "Don't Eat ToM {the tuRkeY}!"...our version of "Don't Eat PeTe!"  So since she's doing all the work getting the board together for the game I thought I would make a little favor to hand out to the kids...cause games ALWAYS need favors, right!  I was so excited when I accidentally came across this post at It's Always a Party at the Parkers...her and I would get along just fine!!  I loved all of her ideas.  But I was super stoked when I saw her InDiAn cORn favOrs!  So cute and so easy!!  I totally printed off my FREE printables and got to work. 

Made up a few of my own...

And to take full advantage of her creativity, I think I'm going to turn my PB&J muffins into little Mayflower Ships...

(I used scrapbook paper for the bottoms of the ships rather than printing them out).


  1. Thanks so much, Pickle! I love seeing mom's use my printables to make their children's days a little happier! Best wishes and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Amanda Parker
    Shindig Parties TO GO

  2. Cute! Those muffins looks pretty tasty! Will we get to see you guys next week?

  3. I love it! I so wish I was more on the ball with this sort of thing. :)

  4. Love your site! Anyway I can get the printable for the round turkey thankful for you tag??:)

  5. This printable are adorable! Thanks so much for sharing the link! I have been using printables this year and it really makes a difference on my thanksgiving table :)

