Friday, July 30, 2010

Planning a PArtY!

Oh goodness, it's been a while!  I've been a very bad blogger lately. 
Let me try and explain...we've been planning a party
(for some of you I needn't say more, you know what all that involves and the absence makes complete sense...and for those who don't get it...well, let's just say we take our parties seriously around here).

The little guy's turning 5.  So were having a carnival.

Hope to have more details for you soon!


  1. I totally get it! My youngest is turning 5 this week and he's having a Lego party. So much work! I can't wait to see more about the carnival party. It looks like so much fun!

  2. Oooo...would love to hear more about the Lego party!! That's the kind of party the 3 (turning 4) year old wants for his birthday this year. I'm at a bit of a loss!

  3. oh man I love that top picture :) Did you make the shirt and bowtie or buy them?? I want to convince one of my kids to have a carnival party since I want to plan one... but so far no takers. The next kid wants a mini golf one... which would be fun to make a course in the backyard!

  4. Anonymous7/31/2010

    Adorable pictures!

  5. Well if that' not a cliff hanger of a post I don't know what is! I will be anxiously waiting to see more details of this carnival party...

  6. You sure do have a cutie!

    Also stopping by to let you know I've awarded you a blog award on my blog!

  7. I just wanted to say that I LOVE LOVE your blog! :) You are so creative and talented! :)
