Monday, May 24, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Gifts

My little guy is graduating from preschool tomorrow morning. So because he will be saying goodbye to his preschool teacher for good, I thought we'd whip up a little something to tell her thanks for all she has done over the past two years.  We love Miss Amy!

I came up with a couple of these ideas on my own...and couple I borrowed from others (thanks for sharing). 

I decided to go with the apple theme.  When I think teacher, I think apple.  So what better to go with the apple theme than cute little bag of...

I used a small paper lunch sack trimmed it down a bit, folded the top over, then filled it with a few apples and attched an apple sticker to the front of the sack. Quick and easy.

Now if you're looking for something a little more cheesy you could whip out the corny sayings, such as:

You're "Simply" the best (Simply Apple Juice)

Or, You're "MaG"nificent! (ABC magnets)

Or what about, You're o"Fish"ally the best! (Sweedish Fish)

Or if you're like me and don't know where to draw the line, you could load it ALL up in to a trash can and attach a tag that says...
Learning with you was no "Waste"

Now if you need a little help getting started, here's an apple tag to get you going.
Print.  Cut.  Attach.  Done.

And if you're feeling cheesy...


  1. Oh my gosh, such FUN and CUTE ideas!

  2. Seriously, I love other people's creativity and these are seriously the cutest end-of-school ideas. The tags are adorable. I'll be using them...thanks for posting them!
