Friday, April 9, 2010


Really I am. 
I just found out I was nominated for the Sunshine Award by Ana at Get Craftin...which coincidently reminded me that I've received this once before from Jami at Aint She Crazy (atleast I think so, I could be crazy) then totally forgot to follow through (sorry!).  Anyway, thanks to both of you for taking the time to mention me on your blogs, and for the very kind words that were said on my behalf.  

So now, (even though I'm not big on the chain letters, chain email, chain blog awards, etc..I just hate making people think that they HAVE to take the time out to humor me and my nonsense...hope that doesn't offend anyone, I really do appreciate your thoughtfulness...really, fLattered) it's my turn to give a shout out to some of my favoirtes...

1 & 2.  Thoroughly Modern Mommy (my cute cousin) who also happens to have a photography blog, Just Shoot Me (look at that, I can count her as two!).  She's got some way cute decorating ideas going on right now on her TMM blog.  And I can tell you from much experience...she's a very patient photographer :) I am very fortunate to have had her put up with my little family several times...which by the way Kimmy...I need to make an appointment ;)

3.  {Show and Tell}  I just found her last night and I LOVE her.  Sheez, she's quite the, love, love her framed mirror!  If I get brave, I'm gonna try this one.  You MUST go check out the rest of her projects...amazing!

4.  I am Momma...hear me ROAR!  HoLy CraP.  Love her.  First of all, she has two little boys...that alone is enough for me to think she's faboulous...I can relate.  BUT that's not all, she also makes AmaZiNg t-shirts for her boys (and shares tutorials for all of them, we all know how much I like a good tee) and even has the time to whip up a little somethin', somethin' for herself once in a while.  Check her out!

5.  A Bushel and a Peck I have to list this one just for her GREAT church ideas.  If you are in need of Activity Day activities/handouts or Young Womens handouts...this is where you NEED to go.  Her ideas are fabulous!  She also designs Logos if you are in need.
and finally (last but not least)...
6.  Everyday Chaos  I like her mostly because she cracks me up...she's funny, but also very talented.  I can't get enough of her fabric paper airplanes.  I have to find somewhere to put these!  She's got some great tutorials, too!

Okay, so now the rules for those I've nominated...take 'em or leave 'em.  Really, I won't be offended if you don't follow them :)

1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.

2. Pass the award on to 6 other bloggers.

3. Link the nominees within your post.

4. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Link back to the person from whom you received this award.

It was tough narrowing down just a few of my favorites...if you're looking for even more inspiration, visit my list (sidebar).  There are are some daNg taLented, cRazY craFty people out there!


  1. Thanks so much for the shout out! That is so nice of you. I have had your blog in my bloglines for a few months now. You are just as talented!
    thanks for sharing too!

  2. Thank you so much! You are too nice but totally made my day. I can't wait to check out the other blogs.

  3. You definitely deserve this fun award!

  4. Awwww! Thanks so much. You are so kind! This is a really cute site. I'm excited to check out the other blogs you listed. Thanks again!

  5. oh yeah, my first award! Thank you so much!! I will try to get to narrowing down some of my favorite blogs this week - gonna be hard!!

    Thank you!!!

    Sausha @ {show & tell}

  6. Thanks Stac!!! Too kind! i just love ya hon! I am loving EVERYTHING you have been working on too! I am totally doing those felt flowers and bath salts for the ladies I visit teach for mom's day!
    PS- if you still want to do some family pics, I would LOVE to! I have been all booked up so let's get you scheduled so we can fit ya in!
    Weekdays are always open M,T,W or Saturdays May 15th and later are open! Let me know what ya think! Thanks again for the kind words!!! :)
