I've finally finished up a pile of shirts and have pics to show you. But first I must disclose a few things.
First off, you will notice that I have used a mix of both short and long sleeved shirts. I am selling the short sleeved tees for $12.50 and the long sleeved for $14.00.
Second, the short sleeved shirts are from the stockpile that I have collected over the past few months, therefore because of the season change most of them are now unavailable for me to purchase more in different sizes. I've used all the shirts that I have on hand. If you are interested in one please let me know and I'll let you know what size they are.
Third, I have scheduled a Fall Open House/Boutique at my home on October 17th where I will be selling my shirts. I also have also invited a few other creative and talented friends to participate, so we'll have a fun mix of kids clothing, fall crafts, handmade bags, hair accessories...and much more. Mark your calanders, you're all invited. Please send me an email if you are in the area and would like me to email you an invite.
Fourth, because of the Boutique, I will probably be required to have some kind of inventory available for purchase...which freaks me out a bit. So, I will only be taking orders online for the next week. Last day for orders here on the pickle will be September 30th. That's ALL shirt orders. After that I will be on hiatus. I have decided that I want to enjoy my holiday season (around here the holiday season starts in early October :) ) and do not plan on working through it. So if you would like a fiCkLe piCkLe original...now is the time.
Lastly, I have had so many nice comments and emails lately. You are all so very sweet and I appreciate all of your kind words. It makes my day to hear that you appreciate the time and effort that goes into this "hobby". Thank you so much.
Okay enough of this jabber, on with the pictures...lots of pictures, I've been busy.
More MoNsteRs...
GoOgiLy GuY.
SmaLL FrY (the things on their head remind me of fries).
GirLie GobLin.
Not MoNstErS...
Mr. RoBOto.
SkuLL GuY.
SkuLL GaL.
RoCk aNd RoLL
...and just for FaLL fun...
I've also had the idea of putting some Halloween costumes together, here's a few ideas. I already had this tutu, thought I'd make something to match...
LittLe LadY.
FunkY Pirate.
Planning on making up a few more tutus. I'll get those posted when they're finished up.
I'm going to set up a generic PayPal if you would like to purchase, then I'll just ask you to send an email with a description of the shirt/item you are interested in including colors, sizes, design on shirt...just be a specific as possible.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
MeSsY fLoWer FaNs
Alright, for all you messy flower fans I have finally set them up on PayPal so you can purchase right off of the site. Look on the side bar under "Messy Flowers for sale". Don't forget to select your choice of clip, pin or headband and also describe the fabric you would like used. If you have questions email or comment me :)
P.S. Promise to be back very soon with more mOnsTers and then some...stay tuned.
P.S. Promise to be back very soon with more mOnsTers and then some...stay tuned.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
mOnsTeR teaSe...Oh, i meaN mOnsTeR tEes
I'm off on our last vacay of the summer...I'll be back around this time next week. Thought I would leave you with something to think about though...
It will be here soon (sooner than I'll probably be ready for). Here's a teaser 'til I get these all finished up.
It will be here soon (sooner than I'll probably be ready for). Here's a teaser 'til I get these all finished up.
My fav so far...