Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's a PeePs PaRtY

What would the Easter holiday be without them?  Uhh...NOT Easter.  Personally, I think PeePs taste like PooP...but, they are cute and festive nonetheless.  And did you know you could get crafty with your PeePs?
Check it out...

I will be making some of these up this year.  Found them here, go now...get your FREE download!  I have a thing for cute packaging, and these cute sandwich bag toppers fit the bill.  Love 'em!

I could maybe do PeePs this way, they're S'meePs...covered in chocolate and graham cracker.  Yum.

Or it you prefer them in a jar...

Or perhaps just eating them isn't enough for you, how 'bout decorating with them?  Dana from MADE made this cuteness...

PeePs...hangin' with their PeePs.  Can you say...

C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E .

And if that's not fun enough for ya, check this out...

You could dress your kid in a PeeP.  Now, I don't know, but I'm thinking that's a bit much...even for me :)

Really, if you're not careful, this could be your brain on PeePs...don't get too carried away!

Alright, here's my own contribution to add to this sugared marshmallow craze.  I'm sure you've seen the bird's nest cupcakes everywhere by now. 
I made these nest cupckaes for Easter last year (sorry bad pic!)...

I thought that nest needed a birdie...the PeeP worked perfectly.

 So, have you gotten crafty with your PeePs?  Join the party, tell us about it!


  1. Yeah...I am not a huge peep fan either! But I really like the peep smore idea!!

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog from Oopsey Daisy! I love your style and decorating. I love that you love holidays and celebrating as much as I do. I have just started the enjoying cupcakes,do you have any favorite cupcake recipes to share? Im a newbie, so all I know is martahstewart.com. Thanks for sharing so many creative ideas!!!
