Thought I would post something festive this week. Can you believe it? Thanksgiving is in 4 days! So I've whipped up some turkey{s} and a little pie...only one is edible though, darn.
TuRkeY sHirtS...

By the way, I'm still NOT taking orders on shirts for now. I did these for my cousin's 2 little turkeys...a favor for having to claim me as a relative :)
And because I really like them, I did these for ChriStmas...

Now on with the pie. Pie iN a jaR to be exact. I did these with my activity days girls for our Thanksgiving activity last week. Really fun. Really easy.
You start with a little jelly jar, decorate it a bit...

Hire small hands to stuff it with pie dough...

Add your choice of filling and a top...

Decorate as desired...

Pop them in the oven and bake...wait, wait, wait...

Shake it carefully out of the jar on to a plate...

Find a fork and enjoy...YuM.

Easy as that. And personally, I think these little pies provide just the right amount of pie to filling ratio...I'm a crust girl.
Hope you all have a HaPPy TurKeY daY. Gobble 'til ya wobble, I'm gonna.